
Friday, December 30, 2011

Brody's 1st Dentist Experience

My good friend Kara was super kind enough to talk Mr. Brody into letting her "count" his teeth. She informed me that our little sugar boy, might have a few "sugar bugs" living in his teeth. So I was able to convince him that we needed to go to the dentist to have him get em out :)!

I felt like such a bummer of a mom, but the dentist assured me I wasn't :) He has a few "sugar bugs" to get out, which is going to be a bigger process than I expected, but he will also put a sealant over them so we hopefully dont have to worry as much, that is until his biggies come in :).... He also told me to start a piggy bank for the orthodontist :( :( :( Brody was SO SO SO good tho. I was one proud mom, he even got to go to the Dollar Store, (his favorite) and pick out a new toy :)!!

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