
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Ultimate Sacrifice

No one can truly appreciate the sacrifice soldiers make for this country until they are one. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for my twin brother, Jeff, and his sweet wife Kara. After 7 years of trying to conceive a blessing from heaven, Leila Jade Gritton, was born on Monday April 4, 2011 weighing 6lbs 12oz and was 19 1/2 inches long.

Kara spent most of her pregnancy without the presence of her loving husband, as Jeff spent most of her pregnancy serving us and our country. That in it self is enough sacrifice for me. What a strong woman Kara was to support her husband in every way, while enduring the unknowns of pregnancy on her own. She is a hero in my eyes. What a sacrifice for Jeff to miss out on the mood swings ;), changes, and glowing presence of his sweet wife during her pregnancy. Thank you American soldiers.

Jeff is in the military and is currently serving in Iraq. He was able to get a Red Cross message and jump on a flight within a few hours of notification that Kara was going to have their sweet baby girl... Unfortunately, Kara had to go in for a c-section and Jeff missed it by about 10-12 hours. (Thankfully Kara has a wonderful mommy and family who took great care of her during labor when Jeff couldn't be there.) But the very most important part is that they are together now. Jeff is wrapped around that little girl's finger and Kara is wondering how she could love something so much :)

Jeff seeing his sweet wife for the first time.... (Leila was in NICU at the time)

I feel like I have under appreciated the service that has been given to me. An example is here. I will be forever grateful for the service that our soldiers do to defend our freedom, at the expense of their own family and lives. I hope that we can all reach out to someone we know serving in the military and help them in anyway.

Jeff will return to Iraq for several months, in a couple weeks. Kara will continue to nurture and raise their little girl, while Jeff will serve you and I. Leila will see her Daddy often, I'm sure, but not the way that most daddy's get to. Skype and modern technology will allow for constant contact, but we all need to be grateful for the sacrifice families make while serving in the military. I hope during these trying months while Jeff is away from his precious little girl, he feels the support of many, as does Kara while Jeff is away.

Leila Jade with mommy......

Leila meeting Daddy for the first time....

Together forever.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awww that's soo awesome thanks for the pics and story ur such a good auntie...and congrats to jeff and kara again for they have a beautiful bb girl....a long awaited blessing for sure:)