
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Dear Baby.......

Are you a boy or girl.....???? We are dying! I think we are more anxious to find out what this little one is than we were Brody...And I think it is because we both have NO idea!!! With Brody, Derek was absolutely convinced that it was a boy, and I think he just convinced me :) But this sweet little thing gives us no ideas!! I am so excited I can hardly stand it. I secretly almost called the hospital to tell them that I would be out of town in a week and a half so we could move it up...I am so bad!!! Anyway, this pregnancy has been way different than Brody was but, I still have no idea! I am feeling tons better though and pretty much back to my same energy level, which I am grateful for. Well our little family has been pretty low key the last few weeks but we are headed out to go fishing today so I should have something to post about soon :) I am also LOVING living here for the summer. This is my first summer here and I love the fields full of food. Every time we drive by a field or piece of machinery, I am asking Derek, "what is that" or "what does that do?" I think I am catching on! I LOVE IT!

Brody is just full of life. HE is so great lately, talking, talking, talking, and playing. He is going through a rough stage right now with other kids and it kinda breaks my heart but I know it is just part of the 2's.... We love his rambunciousness and playfulness. He is definitely all boy and it is so fun!

Derek is just working and having fun riding his bike on the weekends...and fishing a bit... We love him too and Brody is just ecstatic when Derek gets home every night. One night I took Brody's basketball hoop outside on the porch to play. I started to shoot the ball and Brody said, "No mom, I want Dad to play my basketball game with me." FINE....I thought...but so cute that he loves his Daddy so. Then we were driving in the car the other day, past some construction, and Brody says, "My Daddy likes big trucks and big tractors, and I like big trucks and big tractors too mommy" I agreed with him that Daddy likes those things and he said, "And my daddy likes spiders and snakes and soccer balls and baseballs and footballs and my basketball game.." I said yep as my little heart melted :)

1 comment:

Paul and Celeste Johnson said...

So fun! Can't wait to see what you guys are gonna have! Glad you are feeling better, & enjoying being home for the summer! :)