Isn't it crazy how the older you get, the more and more nothing really matters but family, close friends, and the gospel? Crazy...but anyway I just love our little life. Life is filled with so many ups and downs, and our life is by no means perfect. We have so many little struggles and trials that I am grateful for. I am especially grateful to be able to go through them with my little family! Anyway, what a tough life this is but SO SO worth it!
Here is a little about what we have been up to latley...... Everyone knows how much our little Brody loves dogs right?.....Well I couldn't resist....We got him one...
Brody loves this little dog, Jake, and takes every chance he can to play with him!
I am still learning how to coupon and it is going great :) I got all this stuff here for under $6.00! Alotta junk I know!
Our little Brody is just growing and growing and is now 16 Months old! I can't believe it.... SOme of the fun stuff he does is being a jabber box (will post video), sign language, and my favorite, telling us how old he is..............
AnD he LoVes WAtErmelOn....