Here are just a few pictures of brody with his pacifiers, he LoVeS them!!!!(and I think that it is cute:)
I also think this picture is so cute of Brody and Derek. Brody just got out of the bath, and looks bald!! He is also looking more and more grown up!!
And as I have said before, Derek is such a wonderful daddy!!! Derek gave Brody a bath this morning, and I love taking pictures! (Hence the reason there is hardly any pictures of me!)
Now for my all time favorites!!!! I loved these pictures so much that I couldnt choose just one!!! Brody looks so cute here and soooo curious! Anyway, we are so excited to go home to Twin in less than a month!! Derek is all registered for school and has a tough semester ahead of him!!
Thanks for looking and feel free to comment!!!
That's so sad about all those pictures on his phone! I hate things like that.. Brodie is so cute in his lil get up. he looks like he's growin up fast!
k i swear i'm not a retard... my lil cousin's name is spelled brodIE.. haha sorry BRODY:]
I just love your site! i can't wait to see all your new comments and pictures! i am excited you will be closer soon.
loves to you all!
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