So much has been going on lately, so much that I cant blog....BLAh. But we are in Pittsburgh for the summer now and it is SOOO BeAuTifUl here!... It is very green and there are trees everywhere. It literally looks like we are living in the hills. Anyway, as for Derek he is having fun and loves to hang out with his buddies out here, and loves to play with Brody.. As for our little man Brody, he is so so biG! I cant believe how fast he is growing and learning. He is a couple weeks away from a year old and bigger than I had ever imagined. He is a pro at walking now, still going on the potty every morning, and KNows his sign language very well. He says drink, eat, more, and daddy in sign language. He also says moo everytime he sees a cow! He misses his grandpa very much and everytime I say, Where is grandpa Bunny, He looks at the door like Bunny is gonna walk through... Brody is also covered in scratchs and bruises from his explorative personality....He is very intuitive. Derek and I joke that what we are gonna get him for his birthday is a water bottle with a cap. He will sit for hours trying to screw the lid on! Ha...>I could go on for hours about this little man!
As for me, I am just busy working in the office during the morning and mid afternoon, and then trying to learn my way around pittsburgh with Amber:) We have some really great friends out here and are grateful for their friendship. But I also miss my friends back home!
I will put up pics later when I grab some time!!